Sunday, June 19, 2011

Flying Lesson Six-Review

In this lesson we flew over the lower valley and practiced ground reference maneuvers and one engine failure. Let me start off by saying that the weather was fantastic. I haven't had the pleasure of flying in what pilot's call "glass" until now. It was amazing! My mom also got to come and look at the plane during the pre-flight. I think she stayed and watched me takeoff too. She looked proud and that made me happy! Everything went smoothly this time and I even made a few T&G's. By the way I am doing all the flying now and Tony is just giving me verbal instruction. He would take over if there was an emergency of course. Also I do most of the radio communications unless they give us a really complicated one. We flew south-west over the lower valley and then Tony pulled the power back to idol as soon as we got over the hills and told me to make an emergency landing. I immediately pulled up and got the plane trimmed off for 60 Knots which is the best glide speed for our aircraft. Then I began to select a suitable field for landing. The one I picked was light brown and had a sprinkler running parallel to the landing area so not too many obstacles there. Everything was going smoothly until I turned final too soon and came in too high. we could have brought it down in time but ideally I would have better planned my descent. It is tricky though, after all there are no glide slope indicators out there in the middle of no where. I did really well with my S-Turns across the road. I was exceptional with my turn around a point. Which was a tree in this case. Got a little close. All in all it was a fantastic flight for a Friday morning!