Friday, April 22, 2011

Flying Lesson Three

April-22-2011. A beautiful Friday morning with not a cloud in the sky. Today we practiced some stalls and slow flight. Everything went smoothly during the preflight but something unexpected happened right before starting the engine. I went to prime the engine and as soon as I pulled on the primer it completely cane off!!! Right out of it's little hole! I just looked at Tony in astonishment. No one said anything for about 10 seconds. Then being sarcastic I asked "is that normal"? We both laughed and he said he had never seen that before. We ;both got out of the plane and Tony looked at it and just pushed it back in and it simply screwed together. I guess over time it had just wiggled loose. After that we started up the plane and I got to radio the tower for the first time. I said "Yakima Ground, Cessna 761UA is at Nolands with romeo, ready to taxy for south departure". Yakima ground responded "Cessna 761UA taxi to and hold short runway 27 via taxiway Alpha Alpha 1. I did most of the radio communications throughout the flight today. We went south over the hills and did some power off stalls and slow flight. Stalls aren't at all scary because the airplane recovers so fast. I just don't like the feeling you get in your gut. Feels like your falling out of the sky (because you are). Then we made three T&G's that I felt pretty good about and called it a rap. Can't wait for the next lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Did you keep on training and get your licence? I'm currently working on mine; getting close to solo.
