Friday, April 8, 2011

Flying Lesson Two

April, 8, 2011, the day of my second flying lesson. In this lesson we went over flow checks and slow flight, playing with some different flap configurations. The duration of this flight was 1.2 hours on the hobs. The lesson began with me preflighting. Everything was looking good until I sumped the left wing tank and found there was some water in the tank. I went back inside and asked Tony if that was a problem. He told me to continue to sump until the water was gone. The other tank was water free and so was the bottom. Then I purged a little fuel from under the hood and a significant amount of water came out. I let all the water out then continued the preflight.

Sumping the wing tank

Once the fuel was cleaned out I checked the levels. 14 Gallons total. With that done I finished the preflight and hopped in the plane. I think I'm getting a better handle on the taxiing and ground steering. Tony is still working the radios but I will get there. I hope I don't freeze up when it's my turn to talk to the tower. We took off via runway 9 and made a right turn at 700AGL through the gap to white swan. Once we where out there the training begun. In the takeoff I had to use a lot of left rudder due to the 14kn crosswinds. 

What a tough little airplane

We basically just practiced some landing procedures over and over for 30 min or so. The flow check consists on the following: fuel selector on, flaps up, mixture full rich, throttle set to 1700 Rpm, Mags on both, master switch on, and primer in and secured. Next I add 10 degrees of flaps at 85kn. Then 20 degrees at 60kn, and last full flaps (30 degrees) and adjust power as needed to prevent a stall. As you can see in the picture above the sun was shining brightly, but don't let that fool you there were quite a few bumps up there. After the lesson was over we headed for my house and did a few circles around it as well as my grandma's house and my high school. 

Thats me doing all the flying :)

My house is there in that bunch of trees.

A side view of my place.

My grandma's house just up the road.

East Valley track and high school.
After all the scenic flying we headed for the airport on a left downwind for runway 9. We flew straight in and did a touch and go. Then we flew two right approaches for a touch and go runway 9. After that we flew way out to west valley and back straight in runway 9 because we had to wait for a king air and another 152 to land and clear the runway. In the future there won't be as many pictures on the blog because I need to focus on learning and not taking pictures but the pictures are always nice. Now I need to get my books ordered and go in for a ground lesson next week!

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